At BankUnited, we are committed to providing a safe and secure online environment for our customers. We employ industry-standard encryption technology to protect the confidentiality and integrity of customer data.
BankUnited representatives will never call or email you and ask for your account numbers, password, PIN, credit card number, ATM/debit card number or social security number. Always keep this information private, even at home.
Here are some tips to secure your online information:
- Change your passwords often. This is a simple way to secure your privacy and data.
- Keep Wi-Fi networks password protected. This keeps out hackers and unauthorized users.
- Always log off after an online banking session.
- Install current versions of anti-virus software and keep them updated.
- Keep your operating system and browser up-to-date with vendor provided updates to ensure you have the latest security levels in place. Scammers often target known holes in popular browsers because many people use older versions of the software.
- Do not click on links in emails you receive. Instead, type the URL directly into your browser. In phishing scams, scammers send official-looking emails with links to fake sites in an attempt to gather personal information. Sometimes these emails can download malicious software (malware) onto your computer to steal personal data.
- Be wary of emails that announce there is a problem with your account. BankUnited does not send these types of notifications. Contact your branch or our Client Care Center at (877) 779-BANK (2265) if there is reason to believe that your BankUnited account information has been compromised.
- If your BankUnited ATM/debit card has been compromised, call our Client Care Center at (877) 779-BANK (2265) or visit one of our branches.
- If your BankUnited consumer credit card has been compromised, call toll free (800) 558-3424.
- If your BankUnited business credit card has been compromised, call toll free (866) 552-8855.
- In many ways, Online Banking and Bill Pay is safer than sending checks through the mail. Most check fraud and theft is committed by stealing checks from mailboxes or out of the garbage. For more detailed information about how to protect yourself online, visit the Federal Trade Commission's website at
Visit the following resources to get more information on fraud, identity theft and protecting yourself online.